
Published on:

26th Jun 2023

Ep. 180 Constitutional Carry

Join the crew this week as we sit on the edge of new law going into effect on July 1st in the state of Florida. a few moths back a law was passed to allow for permit less concealed carry of a firearm in the state of Florida making it the 26th state to pass such a law and tip the scales of freedom. if you plan on starting to conceal carry under this new law after you buy a quality handgun you'll definitely need a quality holster, so we brought in Mike Vedder of Vedder Holsters to explain to us just exactly what goes in to a quality holster and why quality matters.

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Charpia Law- https://www.charpialaw.com/about-us/

Vedder Holsters- https://www.vedderholsters.com/

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About the Podcast

Under Pressure Outdoors Podcast
A preservation of stories and traditions through the spoken word. We strive to maintain the atmosphere of a campfire after a successful hunt or the cleaning table at the end of the dock after a great day on the water. Always lighthearted, yet dedicated to the craft of being a well tailored outdoorsman.

About your host

Profile picture for Will Crebs

Will Crebs

Will is an avid outdoorsmen with a passion for conservation and bringing up the next generation of outdoors men and women with respect for our natural resources