
Published on:

15th Nov 2021

Ep. 97 Its Always Fishing Season

With 1,350mi of coastline, approximately 12,000 miles of fishable rivers, streams and canals and more than 7,500 lakes, ponds and reservoirs, AND with no closed seasons it's easy to see why Florida is the fishing capital of the world. The recreational fishery resources in our waters provide entertainment for more than 1.2 million anglers annually. So to say that the overall health of our fisheries is a big deal is an understatement. In this episode we are joined by Fisheries Biologist Kyle Miller to discuss the importance of a healthy fishery as it pertains to hunting, fishing and overall health of the ecosystem.


Join the UPO Nation- https://www.facebook.com/groups/215742899927592

Trophy catch Florida- https://www.trophycatchflorida.com/

Fish Attractor Map- https://atoll.floridamarine.org/fishAttractor/

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About the Podcast

Under Pressure Outdoors Podcast
A preservation of stories and traditions through the spoken word. We strive to maintain the atmosphere of a campfire after a successful hunt or the cleaning table at the end of the dock after a great day on the water. Always lighthearted, yet dedicated to the craft of being a well tailored outdoorsman.

About your host

Profile picture for Will Crebs

Will Crebs

Will is an avid outdoorsmen with a passion for conservation and bringing up the next generation of outdoors men and women with respect for our natural resources